Ayurveda: A Great Way to Healing & Wellness
Time tested, evidence-based wisdom from the Vedic ages for health & happiness.


Ayurveda originated in the Indian subcontinent, supposedly 5000 years ago as a healing & wellness science. Ayurveda offers a range of traditional therapies and authentic medicines to impart wellness to the body, mind and spirit. These therapies and medicines can be used for curative purposes as well as to improve general health of body and mind, making it a perfect rejuvenation science as well. Ayurveda also comprises the knowledge of lifestyle curated to different seasons which will help to prevent diseases and maintain wellness. Over last 5000 years Ayurveda has been connecting the human race and nature very deeply for health & longevity.


The origin of Ayurveda dates back to around 5000 years and is believed to have evolved from the eternal consciousness of Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. Brahma imparted the divine wisdom of health and life to his son, Daksha Prajapati, who then passed it on to Ashwini Kumaras, the twin Divine Physicians of Hindu Mythology. Indra, the King of Gods learned the science of Ayurveda from the Ashwini Kumaras and took up the task of enlightening humanity with his medical wisdom. The great sages, after realizing the sufferings of humans due to various illnesses, entered into deep meditation to find a solution. They found their savior in Lord Indra and sage Bharadwaja was deputed to approach him to attain the ultimate knowledge about Ayurveda. Bharadwaja taught his disciples the principles and essence of Ayurveda, who themselves wrote treatises for the benefit of humanity. The knowledge of Ayurveda started to spread rapidly with the beginning of such documented treatises and eventually emerged as a main stream medical system.


Ayurveda is not just a medical system that treat diseases, it is a way of life entrenched on various philosophies and guiding principles. It is greatly influenced by Samkhya and Vaiseshika school of thoughts, which is evident from the similarities between the theories explained, the difference being Ayurveda explained everything according to the utility of science. Ayurveda believes in Panchamahabhuta Siddhanta and explains every material phenomenon in this Universe, no matter how small it is, is composed of five subtle elements - Prithvi (earth), Ap (water), Tejas (fire), Vayu(air) and Akasha (ether/space). Similarly, the central concept of Ayurveda is the Tridosha theory that explains Vata, Pitta and Kapha as the three factors responsible for the wellness and diseased states of individuals.

Open Hours

10:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Office No: 101, Al Rostamani Building (Al Qiyadah Building) Al Ittihad Street E11, Dubai

+971 432 46 456
+971 504649 789
